The CBDT had announced that Individuals/HUFs making contractual or professional payments need to deducted TDS under section 194M from FY 2019-20 (1st Septemeber, 2019). TDS is deducted at 5% if the paid amount exceeds INR 50,00,000 and TDS Return for the same needs to be filed in Form 26QD. The payee gets Form 16D as proof of TDS Deduction.
Let us take an example: A person has made paid a professional INR 55 Lakh on July 20th in the Financial Year. Hence, the tax deducted by the person must be deposited with the central government on or before August 30. Therefore, the person must also issue the TDS certificate (Form 16D) by September 15.
Steps to Fill Form 26QD
- Visit the Income Tax e-Filing portal
Click on the “e-Pay Tax | Challans” option under the Quick Links section.
- Click on the “Continue to NSDL Website” option.
A pop-up message will appear on the screen.
- Click on the “Proceed”
Click on the “proceed” option under the Form 26QD section.
- Fill up the form with the required details like Tenant, Landlord, TDS, Property etc.
Click on the “Submit” option to complete the process.
Details Required in Form 26QD
- PAN of Deductor/Payer
- PAN of Deductee/Payee
- Nature of payment (work in pursuance of a contract/commission/brokerage or fees for professional services)
- Date of contract/agreement
- Amount paid
- Number of the certificate under section 197 issued by the Assessing Officer for non-deduction or lower deduction
- Date of credit
- The rate of TDS
- Details of payment of TDS

Form 26QD has to be filed by the 30th of next month of the deduction of the TDS. For example, the TDS of October has to be deposited by the 30th of November of the same year. TDS of November has to be deposited by 30th of the December and not 31st of December.
Interest @1% is levied if there is a delay in the deduction of TDS. Similarly, 1.5% interest is levied if there is a delay in the deposition of the TDS. Moreover, a late fee of INR 200 per day has to be paid for the late filing of Form 26QD. This penalty cannot be more than the TDS amount.
Form 16D will be given to the payee within 15 days from the date of filing of Form 26QD. It will be provided by the payer/deductor.
Hey @TeamQuicko
Thanks for the blog! Just one quick question - Why do we have to report a quarterly breakdown of Dividend Income under IFOS?
Thank you!
Hey @TanyaChopra
This quarterly breakdown of Dividend Income under IFOS will help to calculate and determine penalty u/s 234C for the delay in payment of Advance Tax.
Hope this helps!
I had received dividend recently but I had noticed that TDS had been deducted. any idea as to why has it happened and is there a way I can claim this TDS?
Hey @HarshitShah
After the introduction of Budget 2020, dividend income is now taxable in the hands of the shareholder; and is also subject to TDS at 10% in excess of INR 5000 u/s 194 & 194K. Foreign Dividend is taxable at slab rates. TDS is not applicable to such dividends. The taxpayer should report such income under the head IFOS in the ITR filed on the Income Tax Website.
Hope this helps!
Hey @HarishMehta
Yes, dividend income is now taxable from FY 2021-22 onwards and it has to be reported under the head of IFOS.
You can read more about it here:
Hi @Maulik_Padh,
You need to pay Income tax on the net taxable income, i.e. after subtracting deductions, expenses, etc.
If the net taxable income is negative i.e. if there is loss, you can carry it forward when filing the ITR
Here are some of the articles which might help
Hi @ameyj
The amount of TDS deducted shall reflect in your Form 26AS only and it will also reflect the name of the deductor.
Using the name of the deductor you can find out on which share you have received the dividend and you can also cross-check the same in your bank statement.
Yes, you are right, TDS is to be deducted when the dividend paid exceeds 5000 INR in a financial year. However, the 5,000 INR limit pertains to all the dividends an individual gets in a year, or the total dividend per shareholder that a company pays out in a year, is left to interpretation, and hence registrars and share transfer agents (RTA) are not taking any chances and are deducting TDS even on small amounts.
Hope this helps
Hi @ameyj
You can submit a grievance on Income Tax Portal mentioning the issue and also attach the 26AS.
The other option is to leave it as it is and clarify it when the tax department sends the notice.
Hi @TeamQuicko
Consider that I have 10 shares each of 10 different Indian companies. Each of the 10 companies are declaring a dividend of INR 100 before the FY ends. Now I will be recieving 1000 as dividend from each company, thereby a total of 10,000.
The 5,000 dividend limit, is it applicable to each company / total dividend recieved by me in a year. If it is applicable to each company, then I would not attract TDS of 10% for dividend.
Also pl clarify, how would the company B know that I have got shares of Company A,C,D,E so on…
@Saad_C @Laxmi_Navlani @Divya_Singhvi @Kaushal_Soni @AkashJhaveri can you help with this?