Trademark Class

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Lasya Pamidi

Start & Run Business
Trademark Application
Last updated on April 30th, 2021

What is a Trademark class?

Trademark Class is when Goods and services are categorised into different classes while filing Trademark application.

India follows the classification popularly known as the Nice Classification. There are 45 classes in the Nice classification out of which, classes 1 to 34 categorizes goods or products and classes 35 to 45 categorizes services. While filing a trademark application, the class of goods and services to which the trademark belongs to must be mentioned in the application. It is important to choose the right class of trademark while filing the application as wrong classification of trademark could hamper the trademark registration process and/or diminish the legal protection for the mark under the Trademark Act.

Importance of Trademark classification

Trademark Application for Individuals
Expert Assisted Trademark Application for individuals to reserve logo / name.
[Rated 4.8 stars by customers like you]
Trademark Application for Individuals
Expert Assisted Trademark Application for individuals to reserve logo / name.
[Rated 4.8 stars by customers like you]

Trademark Class List

The list of classes for registration of trademark is given below.



Trademark Application for Companies
Expert Assisted Trademark Application for companies to reserve logo / name.
[Rated 4.8 stars by customers like you]
Trademark Application for Companies
Expert Assisted Trademark Application for companies to reserve logo / name.
[Rated 4.8 stars by customers like you]


Can a multi-class application be filed in India?

Yes, one can apply for registration under multiple classes in one single application. If the activity of the business involves diverse goods or services falling under different trademark classifications, Trademark application can be filed in more than one class.

What is the Government fee for a Single Class TM Application vs. Multi Class Applications?

For Registry, the fees are levied based on ‘Number of Classes Applied’ and not ‘Number of Applications’. Individual or Start-ups, for each class the government fees of Rs. 4,500 is to be paid. For all other cases, the Government fee of Rs. 9000 is to be paid. For example, if an individual applies for a trademark application under 3 classes, the Government fee will be Rs. 13,500.

What if my trademark is taken, but under a different class?

If your brand name has already been registered, but under a different class, you’re still in luck. If the party does not cease and desist from selling the goods with your trademark after a notice informing them of the infringement, you may take them to court.

Got Questions? Ask Away!

  1. Hey @Dia_malhotra, Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names, and images used in commerce.