How to apply for DSC Registration through Safescrypt

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Divya Singhvi

DSC Registration
Register DSC
Last updated on April 19th, 2023

DSC stands for Digital Signature Certificate. Certifying Authority (CA) issues DSC. Further it is a secure digital key that certifies the identity of the holder. Therefore it is in the best interest of the businesses and individuals to apply for digital signature as it provides a high level of security. In addition it ensures the privacy of the information for online transactions exchanged by using a Digital Signature. You can apply for DSC registration through Safescrypt or e-Mudra.

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Modes of applying for DSC through Safescript

The process to apply for DSC through Safescript

Below are the steps to apply for DSC Registration through Safescrypt:

  1. Visit the Safescrypt website

    Select “Digital Signature Certificate” from drop-down of “Services” on the Safescrypt website.
    Fill in the Basic information.Form for DSC registration through Safescrypt

  2. Acquire the DSC(Digital Signature Certificate) application form.

    Further fill in the form, you need to mention :
    – Usage type
    – Class type
    – User type
    – Certificate type
    – Certificate Validity

  3. Fill the Applicant Details

    Fill in all the necessary details in the Form Name, gender, contact number, email Id, etc.

  4. Provide all the necessary documents such as address proof, identity proof, etc

    In addition, all the documents provided for address proof & identity proof must be attested by an attesting officer.
    Further documents can be validated in two ways:
    Online: Using Aadhar number, the user has to enter the Aadhar number and registered mobile number to get an OTP. In order to validate and verify enter the OTP on the website. Whereas, this option is available only for Individuals.
    Offline: Users can courier the attested documents to the Specified address mentioned. Self Attested and Attested by Company Secretary or Bank Manager or Post Master or Gazetted Officer or Registration Authority. However, this option is available only for an organization.

  5. Make necessary Payment.

    After online verification of the documents the payment gateway opens up to make the payment. Once the payment is successful it notifies the admin team and delivers the credentials

  6. Confirmation is sent on Email Id and Mobile number.

    Further, creates a User account along this process. A a confirmation email and SMS sent to the respective email id and mobile number. Mentioning the Unique Id, Login credentials, Payment details, and Status


How long do digital signatures remain valid?

Normally, a key expires after one year. However, there are many cases where it is necessary for signed documents to be regarded as legally valid for much longer than two years.

What happens when you sign a file using DSC?

When you digitally sign information, you are giving the recipients the ability to determine that the contents of the document have not been altered. And are true since you signed it.

Why do I need Digital Signature?

A Digital Signature Certificate authenticates your identity electronically. Therefore, it also provides you with a high level of security for your online transactions by ensuring the absolute privacy of the information exchanged using a Digital Signature Certificate.