What is Form 10E?
Form 10E is a form to be submitted on Income Tax e-filing portal to claim relief under Section 89 for any salary arrears or advance salary received during a financial year. It gives relief to the taxpayer arising due to the timing difference of the receipt of the income. Tax Rates keep on changing every financial year and therefore the income shall be taxed at the rate applicable when it was earned and not at the rate when it is received. The Form 10E filing procedure is to be carried out on the new e-Filing portal.
Who shall file Form 10E?
An individual has to submit Form 10E if he/she has received the following income during any previous financial year:
- Arrears of Salary
- Family Pension in arrears
- Advance Salary
- Gratuity
- Compensation on termination of employment
Form 10E Filing Procedure on e-Filing Portal
Follow the procedure mentioned below to complete the Form 10E filing process
- Login to your account
Login to your e-filing account using valid username and password
- File Income Tax Returns
On your Dashboard, click e-File > Income tax forms > File Income Tax Forms
- Search Form 10E
On the File Income Tax Forms page, select Form 10E. Alternatively, enter Form 10E in the search box to file the form
- Assessment Year
Select the appropriate assessment year and click on continue
- Required Sections
Click on lets get started and you will move to the next page. Select the applicable items regarding particulars of income and click on continue
- Preview details
After entering all the details, click on the preview option
- e-Verify the Form
On the next page, click on the proceed to e-verify option. After successful e-Verification, a success message is displayed along with a Transaction ID and Acknowledgement Receipt Number. An email confirming successful submission of your form is sent to the email ID and mobile number registered with the e-Filing portal

Consequences of not filing Form 10E
- Relief under Section 89 claimed in income tax return will be disallowed by the IT Department
- Receive a notice from IT Department for such non-compliance
Form 10E is required to be filed before filing ITR to claim the relief mentioned in the return.
In case of Form 10E is not filed, relief will be disallowed and you may receive a notice from the Income Tax Department for such non-compliance.
-Open the Income Tax Department Website and Log on using your PAN and Password
-From “E-File” select Income Tax Forms from the menu.
-Select “Form 10E”- Click on Form for Relief u/s 89 from the drop-down menu. Select your relevant Assessment Year and Submission mode.
-Under the Form 10E heading, you can view your details like Name, PAN, Address, etc. Select “Residential Status” from the drop-down menu.
-Select the relevant Annexure.
-Verify the Form. Click on “Review and Submit”.
-You can download the PDF copy. If need be, you can also edit to click on “Edit” to make changes to the form.
Form 10E has to be filed online via the Income Tax Department website. However, Taxpayers who claimed relief in the previous FY but were not able to file the Form 10E receive a notice from the Income Tax Department for non-compliance.
Hey @TeamQuicko
Can you tell me about ITD’s new ITR filing utility for AY 2021-22?
Hey @HarshitShah
To improve the tax filing process, the Income Tax Department has decided to do away with the excel and java-based utility and has launched a new offline JSON-based utility for the AY 2021-22. The new utility will help taxpayers import prefilled data and edit it before filing the income tax return (ITR).
The taxpayers can download the pre-filled data from the income tax e-filing portal and fill in the rest of the data. This imported prefilled data can be edited to change basic information such as address and all. Currently, the utility can be used to file ITR1 to ITR 4. ITD has also released a step-by-step guide to using the utility.
Hope this helps!
Is it possible to file ITR online without an account on the Income Tax e-filing portal?
What should be done in case of discrepancies in actual TDS and TDS credit under Form 26AS?
Hey @Amitabh_Verma
It is mandatory to create an account on the Income Tax e-filing portal to file your ITR online. It is a hassle-free quicko process. One can register on the portal by providing relevant details such as user type, PAN, first name, surname, date of birth, and fill in the registration form.
Hey @Niraj
Many times mismatches and discrepancies in actual TDS and TDS credit under Form 26AS happen because of wrong information provided in the TDS return. One can approach the employer/deductor to file a revised TDS return after making the necessary corrections.
The income-tax department allows an assessee to mention the reason for mismatch in the online portal in answer to a notice sent by them.
Hope this helps!
Hi, actually I filed ITR 1(A.Y. 2013-14) due to notice served in Jan month.
The ITR is pending for verification. Ask the options aren’t available for me client i.e Aadhar verification,evc etc. Only thing is I got my clients DSC. but option of DSC for e-verification is not showing. I can’t send CPC to Bengaluru since it will take time. How can I use DSC to e-verify my already filed return
Hi @Arsheen
The option to e-verify ITR using DSC is to be selected while filing. Once you have filed your ITR only option available for e-verification is EVC/Aadhar OTP or sending ITR V to CPC Bangalore. You have 120
days from the date of e-Filing to e-verify your ITR.
So if 120 days are not over you can send the signed ITR V to CPC Bangalore to get it e-verified and processed.
Hope this helps
Hi @Sharath
It is suggested to file ITR as NRI in India if you have trading transactions even if there are losses.
If you do not file ITR then there are high chances of your PAN getting flagged by the IT department for non-filing of ITR.
Also, If you file the ITR on time you can take benefit of carry forwarding the losses and setting off those losses against the profits in future years.
I have started an HUF by infusing funds by collecting gifts from HUF members. If I invest in Shares, Equity MF, from that Capital (Collected as gifts from members), and earn income in the name of HUF, will that income be clubbed with the income of the members?
In a way that will be the outcome of the business (trading and investing of shares) done by HUF. And there will be a degree of efforts and luck involved, not a fixed income instrument as FD, etc.