Form AOC-4 is for filing the company’s financial statement for every financial year with the Registrar of Companies. The company is responsible for duly furnishing the form within 30 days of its Annual General Meeting
Further, As per Company Act 2013, all the registered Companies need to furnish Form AOC-4 for every financial year. Also, Any failure or delay in filling the form may attract fine/penalties on the company.
Moreover, In case of the companies covered under XBRL requirement under the Companies (Filing of documents & Forms in Extensible Business Reporting Language) Rules, 2015, the financial statements must be uploaded on MCA portal in XBRL format.
Who Needs to File AOC 4 Form XBRL?
There are certain parameters for the applicability of filing a financial statement in XBRL(extensible business reporting language) format.
Here is the list of companies who are required to file AOC 4 form XBRL for every financial year:
- The companies have paid the capital of Rs. 5 Crores or more.
- Companies with an annual turnover of Rs 100 Crores or more.
- Companies listed with the stock exchange in India and its subsidiaries.
- All companies which are covered under the Companies (Filing of Documents & Forms in Extensible Business Reporting Language) Rules, 2011
Sample form AOC-4

Segment-wise Information to be filed in AOC-4
Form AOC-4 is divided into various segments in which company has to enter the correct details. Segments are explained in detail here below
Segment I- Information and Particulars in respect of Balance sheet
PART-A: General information of the company
The company shall enter Corporate Identity Number (CIN) of the company and click “Pre-Fill”.
Date form which Financial Year start date as well as date on which Financial Year-end to which financial statements relate.
Thereafter, Date of Board of Directors’ meeting in which statements was approved shall be approved. Nature of financial statements may be either:
- Provisional unadopted financial statements
- Adopted financial statements
- Revised financial statements u/s 130
- Revised financial statements u/s 131
Also, Details of director(s), manager, secretary, CEO, CFO of the company who have signed the financial statements are required to be filed.
Moreover, DIN in case of directors and PAN in case of other person signing the financial statements, name, designation and date of signing of financial statements shall be entered.
Date of Board of Directors’ meeting in which Boards’ Report was approved shall be entered along with DIN, Name, Designation as well as the date of signing by the director.
Likewise, Date of Signing of Auditors’ Report on Financial Statements by the auditors shall be entered.
Moreover, date of the AGM shall be entered if the AGM was held. & where an extension of the financial year or AGM was obtained, it shall be entered along with the due date of the AGM after such extension.
Then, if a company is a subsidiary of any company, CIN of the holding company shall be entered. If company has any subsidiary or subsidiaries then it has to give the numbers.
Particulars of the auditor such as Name, membership number of the auditor/auditor’s firm’s registration number, and address have to be filled in.
Also, type of company and the applicability of Schedule III of The Companies Act 2013 has to be filled correctly.
Mention whether consolidated financial statements are required or not? If yes, then, file form AOC – 4 CSF.
Part- B: Information and Particulars in respect of Balance sheet
Part B consists of various details with regard to the balance sheet and the financial parameters of the balance sheet. This needs to be entered as well.
Segment II- Information and Particulars in respect of Profit & Loss Account
The detailed Profit & Loss Account as well as financial parameters have to be filled in this segment.
Segment III- Reporting of Corporate Social Responsibility
Average net profit of the company for last three financial years (as defined in explanation to sub-section (5) section 135 of the Act)
- Prescribed CSR Expenditure
- Details of the amount spent
- Also, Details of impeding agencies
Segment IV- Disclosure about related party transactions
Disclosure of particulars of contracts/arrangements entered into by the company with related parties including certain arm’s length transactions are required in the form.
Details of contracts or arrangement or transactions not at arm’s length basis and also arm’s length basis are required to enter. Moreover, The form accepts up to 20 details.
Segment V- Auditor’s Report
- If the CAG has commented/supplemented the audit report under Section 143 of the Companies Act 2013 the same has to be mentioned (Applicable in case of Government Company).
- Details of the adverse remarks made by the auditor and applicability of CARO to the company have to be stated in this segment.
Segment VI- Miscellaneous
Inform whether secretarial audit report is applicable.
Also, Inform whether detailed disclosures with respect to Directors’ report under sub-section (3) of section 134 is attached.
Documents Needed with Form AOC-4
- Balance Sheet
- Profit/Loss Account
- Cash Flow statement
- Change in equity statement
- Board Report for Private Company/One Person Company/Limited and Section 8 Company
- Auditors’ report
- Statement of subsidiaries
- Statement of fact regarding not adopting statements in the Annual General Meeting
- Details of other entities, features of contracts as well as agreements
- Statement of fact regarding not holding an AGM
- Approval letter for extension of the financial year
- Company CSR policy
- Details of the comments made by the CAG of India
- Secretarial Audit Report
- Directors’ report
- Details of CSR activities
- Other Relevant Documents, if Any Required
Related to Approval and Certification
The data presented in the form needs approval from the director, manager, CFO, and CEO. Given that the information is accurate and is in compliance with the law. The E-form AOC-4 shall be digitally signed by one of the following authorized people:
- Director
- Manager
In case of companies other than the small company and OPC certification by professional is mandatory i.e. practicing Company Secretary (CS) or Chartered Accountant (CA). for Filing form AOC-4
Due Date for Filing AOC-4
- Adoption of financial statement in case of OPC – 180 days form end of financial year
- Provisional unadopted financial statement other than OPC – 30 days from Actual date of AGM or due or extended due date
- Adopted Financial Statement other than OPC – 30 days from AGM or adjourned AGM.
- Revised Financial Statements under Section 130 – 30 days from order of a competent authority
- Likewise, Revised Financial Statement under Section 131 – 30 days from order of competent authority
Fees for filing AOC-4
The applicable fees based on the share capital are as follows:
Nominal Share Capital | Fee applicable |
Less than 1,00,000 | Rupees 200 per document |
1,00,000 to 4,99,999 | Rupees 300 per document |
5,00,000 to 24,99,999 | Rupees 400 per document |
25,00,000 to 99,99,999 | Rupees 500 per document |
1,00,00,000 or more | Rupees 600 per document |
Moreover, For Company not having share capital Rupees 200 per document will be the fees.
Late fees on form AOC-4
In case of delay in filing the annual returns/balance sheet/financial statement the following fees is applicable:
Period of Delay | Additional fee payable |
Delay beyond the period provided under Section 137(1) of the Act – Due dates to file AOC 4 (within thirty days of the date of an annual general meeting) | Rupees 100 per day |
In case of delay in filing the belated annual returns/balance sheet/financial statement the following fees is applicable:
Period of Delay | Additional fee payable |
Up to 30 days | 2 times of normal filing fees |
More than 30 days and up to 60 days | 4 times of normal filing fees |
More than 60 days and up to 90 days | 6 times of normal filing fees |
More than 90 days and up to 180 days | 10 times of normal filing fees |
Beyond 180 days | 12 times of normal filing fees |
Penalty for non-filing AOC-4
Defaulting Party | Penalty Imposed |
Company | INR 1000 for every day of default subject to a max of INR 10 Lakhs |
1. Managing Director/Chief Financial Officer 2. In case of the absence of the Managing Director/Chief Financial Officer-Any other Director who the Board assigns the responsibility. 3. In case of the absence of any such Director-All directors of the company |
INR 1 Lakh+INR 100 for each day of default subject to Max of INR 5 Lakhs |
– Non-Banking Financial Companies and companies engaged in Power Sector, Banking, Insurance are exempt from filing financial statements with Form AOC in XBRL
– For Non-Banking Financial Companies AOC-4 NBFC is required to be filed which has been introduced on 20.02.2020
– Companies which falls under XBRL Amendment Rules, 2017 need to file financial statements into XBRL
Yes, Form AOC-4 needs to be certified in case of other than small companies or OPC. It should be certified by a full time practicing Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant/ Company Secretary.
Company’s general details such as Corporate Identity Number (CIN); Details about its director/s, manager, CEO, CFO and all who sign company’s financial statements and Board Report;
Details about Auditor and SRN of ADT-1 etc should be filed with Form AOC-4 along with company’s financial parameter, P&L account, Balance sheet, share capital, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting and Acknowledgement of related party transaction.
Hey @Nandana
AOC-4 is an e-Form in which the financial statements of a company are filed with RoC . AOC-4 is required to be filed within 30 days of holding an AGM.
You can read about signing of audit report here:
Hope this helps!