Contract of Indemnity Overview and Template

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Lasya Pamidi

Business contracts
Indemnity Agreement
Last updated on April 30th, 2021

What is a Contract of Indemnity?

A Contract of Indemnity is an agreement that ‘holds a business or company harmless’ for any burden, loss, or damage. An indemnity agreement also ensures proper compensation is available for such loss or damage. Indemnity usually flows from one party to another. Any contract carries with itself some risk of loss due to any action of the other party. Any act or omission of one party which may be against the terms of an agreement can have negative consequences on the finances of the other party. This may be due to unintentional errors as well. However, it is the right of the aggrieved party to be indemnified against losses that arise due to acts of the other party.

Such acts of indemnity are governed under Indian Contract Act 1872. The purpose is to relieve the liabilities of a party under a contract if they have not breached the contract on their part. Most contracts such as Service Level Agreements, Employment contracts and even website policies have an indemnity clause.

The parties involved in an indemnity agreement:

People also refer to a Contract of Indemnity as Hold Harmless Agreement, Indemnification Agreement, Indemnity Agreement, Indemnity Contract, No Fault Agreement, Reparation Agreement, Assumption of Liability Agreement or Agreement to Indemnify

Types of Indemnity

Elements of a Contract of Indemnity

Contract of Indemnity Template
Download Contract of Indemnity Template for your Company
Contract of Indemnity Template
Download Contract of Indemnity Template for your Company


What is negligence?

A person is negligent when he or she does not act with the level of care an ordinary prudent person would under the same circumstances.

Is it compulsory to have an indemnity agreement?

No, it is not compulsory. However, Most contracts and agreements have an indemnity clause that covers crucial points of an indemnity agreement.

When do you use an Indemnity Agreement?

Indemnity agreements are signed between businesses and customers in case the service involves high risk to the customer.

Got Questions? Ask Away!

  1. Hey @HarshitShah

    Yes. Any time the terms of the agreement change, this should be documented in a new contract. The new contract should also make clear this contract replaces the old contract.